Missouri Environmental Record Logging Index
Environmental Incident Search
Incident Date From:
Incident Date To:
Report Date From:
Report Date To:
--Select Search Criteria--
Adair / NERO
Andrew / KCRO
Atchison / KCRO
Audrain / NERO
Barry / SWRO
Barton / SWRO
Bates / KCRO
Benton / KCRO
Bollinger / SERO
Boone / NERO
Buchanan / KCRO
Butler / SERO
Caldwell / NERO
Callaway / NERO
Camden / SWRO
Cape Girardeau / SERO
Carroll / NERO
Carter / SERO
Cass / KCRO
Cedar / SWRO
Chariton / NERO
Christian / SWRO
Clark / NERO
Clay / KCRO
Clinton / KCRO
Cole / NERO
Cooper / NERO
Crawford / SERO
Dade / SWRO
Dallas / SWRO
Daviess / NERO
Dekalb / KCRO
Dent / SERO
Douglas / SWRO
Dunklin / SERO
Franklin / SLRO
Gasconade / SLRO
Gentry / KCRO
Greene / SWRO
Grundy / NERO
Harrison / NERO
Henry / KCRO
Hickory / SWRO
Holt / KCRO
Howard / NERO
Howell / SERO
Iron / SERO
Jackson / KCRO
Jasper / SWRO
Jefferson / SLRO
Johnson / KCRO
Knox / NERO
Laclede / SWRO
Lafayette / KCRO
Lawrence / SWRO
Lewis / NERO
Lincoln / SLRO
Linn / NERO
Livingston / NERO
McDonald / SWRO
Macon / NERO
Madison / SERO
Maries / SERO
Marion / NERO
Mercer / NERO
Miller / SWRO
Mississippi / SERO
Moniteau / NERO
Monroe / NERO
Montgomery / SLRO
Morgan / SWRO
New Madrid / SERO
Newton / SWRO
Nodaway / KCRO
Oregon / SERO
Osage / NERO
Ozark / SWRO
Pemiscot / SERO
Perry / SERO
Pettis / NERO
Phelps / SERO
Pike / NERO
Platte / KCRO
Polk / SWRO
Pulaski / SERO
Putnam / NERO
Ralls / NERO
Randolph / NERO
Ray / KCRO
Reynolds / SERO
Ripley / SERO
St. Charles / SLRO
St. Clair / SWRO
Ste. Genevieve / SERO
St. Francois / SERO
St. Louis / SLRO
St. Louis City / SLRO
Saline / NERO
Schuyler / NERO
Scotland / NERO
Scott / SERO
Shannon / SERO
Shelby / NERO
Stoddard / SERO
Stone / SWRO
Sullivan / NERO
Taney / SWRO
Texas / SERO
Vernon / SWRO
Warren / SLRO
Washington / SERO
Wayne / SERO
Webster / SWRO
Worth / KCRO
Wright / SWRO
Unknown / UNK
State of Illinois / NERO
State of Illinois / SLRO
State of Illinois / SERO
State of Kentucky / SERO
State of Tennessee / SERO
State of Arkansas / SERO
State of Arkansas / SWRO
State of Oklahoma / SWRO
State of Kansas / SWRO
State of Kansas / KCRO
State of Nebraska / KCRO
State of Iowa / KCRO
State of Iowa / NERO
City :
Street Address:
Incident Cause:
--Select Search Criteria--
Abandoned Container
Aircraft Accident-Commercial
Aircraft Accident-Private
Algal Bloom
Equipment Malfunction/Failure
Homeland Security Threat
Improper Disposal
Mercury Recovery
Natural Disaster/Weather
Operator Error
Ordinance Destroyed
Railroad Accident
Vehicular Accident-Commercial
Vehicular Accident-Private
Watercraft Accident-Commercial
Watercraft Accident-Private
--Select Search Criteria--
Air Pollutant-Asbestos
Air Pollutant-Other
Air Pollutant-Smoke
Combustible Liquid-Diesel Fuel
Combustible Liquid-Other
Dangerous When Wet
Flammable Gas-Other
Flammable Gas-Propane
Flammable Liquid-Ethanol E85 or Higher
Flammable Liquid-Gasoline
Flammable Liquid-Other
Flammable Solid
Hazardous Waste-Clandestine Lab
Hazardous Waste-Household
Hazardous Waste-Regulated
Hazardous Waste-School Lab
Inhalation Hazard-Other
Non-Flammable Gas-Anhydrous Ammonia
Non-Flammable Gas-Refrigerant
Oil-Food Grade Products
Organic Peroxide
PCB Containing Material
Poison-Pesticide/Herbicide/Fungicide Agriculture
Poison-Pesticide/Herbicide/Fungicide Non Agriculture
Radioactive Material
Solid Waste-Medical/Infectious Waste
Solid Waste-Other
Solid Waste-Tires
Spontaneously Combustible
Water Pollutant-Animal Waste
Water Pollutant-Domestic Sewage
Water Pollutant-Dye Trace Material
Water Pollutant-Fire Water Runoff
Water Pollutant-Other
No Release
Search Results
Incident Number
Address, City, State, Zip, County
Incident Cause
Report Date