

Refers to the Environmental Regulator Program, such as the Air Program, that is associated with a concern or inspection.

Environmental Concerns

The department's regulatory responsibilities include the investigation of environmental concerns. These concerns may originate from the general public, elected officials, industry representatives, other agencies, the media or almost any other imaginable source.


An inspection determines whether facilities are meeting their environmental obligations and helps assist them where they are not achieving those requirements.

Notices of Violation

A notice of violation (NOV) is the documentation that a serious violation has occurred at a regulated facility. The issuance of an NOV marks the beginning of the enforcement process. It does not mean or imply that the process of conference, conciliation or persuasion has ended, as that process continues through enforcement. NOVs are issued based on program-specific criteria and are transmitted to the facility with a cover letter and the inspection report.

Letter of Warning

A Letter of Warning is an informal, written notification issued for certain violations.

Enforcement Action Request/Refer to Enforcement

When a Regional Office has exhausted its options to resolve the violation, the Regional Office request the Environmental Program to take action.

Administratively Closed

Regional Offices administratively close compliance issues when the issues are resolved without a enforcement request.