Proposed Rules

  • The following are summaries and other information related to Proposed Rules that the Missouri Department of Natural Resources has submitted to the Secretary of State for Publication in the Missouri Register. These rules will not go into effect until the public has had an opportunity to submit written comments, and to attend a public hearing if one is scheduled.

    Any person may offer comments on a Proposed Rule. The instructions for submitting comments, and the location and date of a hearing if one is scheduled, are located after the text of each rule. Please note that the official text of a Proposed Rule is the version that appears in the Missouri Register, not the draft copy on this site.

    Information on Rules in Initial Development follows the Proposed Rules information. The dates provided in this section are subject to change.

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    To view more detailed information about the rules in development, select here.

    Proposed Rule
    Fiscal Note(s)
    Supporting Documents
    Link to Missouri Register
    Small Business Impact Statement
    Date Posted
    10 CSR 25-13.010
    The proposed recission of 10 CSR 25 - 13.010 would remove a rule that is no longer in use in the State of Missouri. Missouri is not authorized nor does it have funds or staff to regulate Polychlorinated Biphenyls. Polychlorinated Biphenyls are regulated at the federal level.
    10 CSR 25-6.263
    The federal regulation references and adoptions have not been updated since 2013, 1990, and 1997, the proposed amendment would update state regulations to reference them as of July 3, 2024. 40 CFR part 263 49 CFR parts 171 through 180 40 CFR parts 40, 383, 387, 390 through 397 The proposed amendment would remove CFR references that are no longer in place. The proposed amendment would include 260.373, RSMo reference.
    10 CSR 25-8.124
    The proposed amendment adds a date to the 40 CFR Part 124 that is incorporated by reference, updates a RSMo reference, updates the legal notice requirements to provide additional flexibility due to the shrinking number of local newspapers in the state of Missouri, adds flexibility to the method of notification to elicit public participation, and provides clarity on the duration of hazardous waste can spend in transport.

    Rules in Development

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    Visit the Small Business Regulatory Fairness Board website for more information regarding rulemakings that affect small business.